About the Business
This is a Korean Franchise business with a strong and establised quality brand name which provides haircut services in 10 minutes
Why Buy An Existing Franchise ?
Buying an existing franchise allows new owners / buyers to cut down time it takes to deveop a new businesses and achieve profitabilty in lesser time than it would when buying a new franchise. You're buying a franchise that's already profitable and an outlet that is established in the market place.
What Do You Get When You Buy This Running Business?
Transfer of Business Registration and Franchise Agreement (includes lease agreements & existing staff)
Leased Outlet (renovated, equipement and POS)
Know-how & comprehensive integration with operations
Sales Reporting & IT management system
Why is the Owner Selling & How Much?
The owner is selling due to family committment and his career which requires frequent overseas travel
Owner has two (2) Franchise outlets and will sell both to one buyer or sell them separately.
Owner is not looking to make profit, so will sell for the amount he invested which is between SGD120K to SGD130K per outlet / per franchise. If any buyer is interested to takeover both the outlets, the takeover fee can be negotiated.