Due to the personal healthy issue, I have to let it go.
Small restaurant with almost 400 sqf. indoor has 20 seats and outdoor has at least 16 seats.
Include freezer, chiller. semi-auto cooking machine (reduce the man power cost and increase the productivity.
everything inside the restaurant will not take away, because the owner has no plan stay in F&B business.
No debt from supplier.
with SFA license and beer licenses.
with Point-of-sales with no yearly license fee.
Coffee maker machine allow you to make fresh coffee instantly from coffee bean.
Dishwaher to save you a lot of time.
Brand new exhaust was installed and only used few times. because my receipe is very healthy and almost no smoke..only steam.
Must let it GO before Chinese new year.
Interesting, please contact Sam 9-6-50-22-28. Whatsapp only if I cannot answer your call.
Location: 3min walk away from Taiseng MRT.
Thank you.
小型餐厅转让 包括公司注册 SFA的证书 卖酒的证书
设备包括 半自动炒菜机 4台
冰箱 3台 电磁炉2台 其他锅碗瓢盆全部留下
因为身体健康原因 无法继续餐饮行业 所以所有在店里的设备 设施 桌椅 全部不带走
店里大约400平方尺 20个位置
几乎全新的抽烟系统 因为目前的食物加工方式很少油烟
供应商无欠款 全部现金交易
身体原因 必须卖
有兴趣者联系 Sam 9-6-50-22-28